Saturday, August 22, 2009

A blog

I never thought I would have a blog, but what a fantastic way to keep my far away (and close) friends and family up to date. I have been reading some of my friends' blogs from college and love reading them. The movie Julia and Julie could be to blame as well. This also may be the place to get everything I want to say OUT!

So, here goes, I am jumping in.

This is what's been happening!

On Christmas day my life changed! I found out that I would marry the man of my dreams! I think Ryan knew I just couldn't wait any longer. He was precious and truly the sweetest I had ever seen him. His perfect proposal was just how I would want it! Thanks sweetheart! an engagement causes WEDDING PLANNING! Those movies that say, "I have dreamed about my wedding since I was a little girl". I think I always skipped the wedding and dreamed of having someone for a lifetime, which may be an issue for the big event...the WEDDING! I had some ideas (very minimal). I really pretty much knew everything I didn't want...but what do women (Dana) want? So, Mom is my hero. She is Martha Stewart, Paula Dean, and Jesus wrapped up into one. She does it all and is my right hand during this time. Thank you GOD!

We have gone from "having" the wedding at the beach - can't get everyone down there, outside in a field - bugs in October, at many private venues, but we all just couldn't let go of the church wedding. Therefore we will have it at my church and hold the reception at the Braselton-Stover house. It will be fabulous.

I found my dress, and it was one of the easiest tasks. I can't wait to wear it. I think I will just put it on some days after I get married and wear it around the house. The shoes were bought today - look for those soon - pictures will be posted!

Well, much more could be said, but for now the bed is calling my name.

Happy Saturday / Sunday!